My Story

I spent my childhood, teenage years and most of my adult life waiting. Waiting for the next season. Waiting to grow up, waiting to graduate, waiting to get married, waiting to start a family. I always thought the next chapter would make me happier. I realized in all of my waiting that I missed out on so much! I missed out on enjoying my childhood as just that, a child. I missed out on so many fun things in high school because I was stressed about the future. Instead of waiting for the next best thing, I could have been truly enjoying each important stage. After surviving the most difficult years of my life, dealing with infertility, multiple miscarriages, failed infertility treatments, losing a friend, I stopped taking everyday for granted and started living everyday like it could be my last. I know that sounds super cliche, but it’s true. When we stop waiting for the weekend, summer, or our next vacation and start focusing on finding the magical moments in everyday life, our to-do lists seem less daunting and our struggles seem a little easier. Moving forward I vow to enjoy each and every moment. There is joy in every chapter, sometimes you just have to look a little harder.