Don’t Waste The Waiting

Two weeks before our wedding, David and I had no idea where we were going to live after we said our vows. We spent years trying to buy our first home but at the time the market was low and investors were everywhere. Because we were barely twenty years old, it was hard to get anyone to take us seriously. We put in offer after offer but none of them were ever excepted.

My grandparents bought a new home right before our wedding and offered the condo that my grandmother was living in to us. What a blessing! They let us live rent free for six months as a wedding gift. Thank goodness because we had NO money! We were living paycheck to paycheck. At the time it felt so hard, It felt like we would never get ahead. We weren’t living the life we had planned on living when we started forever together.

Looking back, it was probably the greatest time of our lives! We had nothing, literally nothing. Hardly any responsibility’s, barely any bills but lots of love filled our two bedroom two bathroom condo.

Every Friday night our friends would gather at our condo and we would go line dancing. We knew the bouncer and would always get in for free.

On Saturday nights we had all our friends over for game night. None of our friends were married and were always down for a late night in. We played card games for hours while eating David’s famous Tollhouse chocolate cookies and chips and queso. They were the only things we could afford. I still serve both of them at all our parties in memory of those Saturday nights. We learned so much about each other while playing games like Never Have I Ever and Ring Of Fire.

Games With Friends

As time passed we were able to get ahead thanks to new job titles and opportunities. We were finally able to purchase our first home and we were so excited to move to our own place. The week we moved in I knew a major chapter in our lives had closed. Our friends were starting to settle down, we had more responsibilities and time was harder to find.

While we were living in the condo I took it for granted. I wanted to buy a home so bad! I wanted a big backyard for our dog to run around in and a place that we felt more settled. Looking back, I wish I would have cherished it more. I wish I would have been more laid back about the future and lived in the moment. I wish I would have appreciated the free time we had and all the laughs that were shared around our dining room table. I wish I wouldn’t have wished away this particular season of waiting.

Everyone who took part in our crazy condo nights still talk about them. We reminisce often and talk about how we didn’t even realize we were making life long memories. The whole situation has taught me not to wish away seasons. Each season, even difficult seasons have so much goodness in them that you’ll eventually miss. Don’t wish them away!

We had nothing but we had everything. Friendship, love, laughter, chocolate chip cookies and queso.

One thought on “Don’t Waste The Waiting

  1. Made me think of our first couple years of marriage and our first apartment. We were broke aswell but I find myself often talking about those sweet memories we made. It’s truly such a special season in life.

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