I Love Myself

It’s the month of love! I love my husband, my baby boy, my family and my friends. You know what else I love? My own damn self!

Society tells us we’re not good enough. Not skinny enough, not smart enough, not strong enough. Screw that’s noise!

I love myself! I’m a freaking bad ass warrior who’s gone through more in my adult life than I ever thought imaginable. I’ve turned my struggles into my strength, my mess into my message. I’ve inked my battle wounds so I’d never forget what I went through and how I survived. I’m not afraid to tell you I’m flawed. Honey, I have more flaws than I care to count but they make me the woman I am.

Lord knows I need him daily. His unfailing love has carried me further than I could have ever gone alone. I’ve put in the work, the hard deep soul level work. I’ve faced my demons and have learned that I’ll never grow by sitting in hurt and anger. I’m able to look in the mirror in the morning and say “yes you bad bitch, you’ve got this.”

I’m thankful for my personal growth. My past has humbled me and taught me invaluable lessons. I never thought I’d be able to say that I truly loved myself but here I am, feeling myself. I’ll never have the perfect body, I’ll never have work/life balance, and I’ll never EVER please everyone and I’m completely okay with that because I’m at peace with myself.

This Valentine’s Day, treat yourself! Flowers, chocolate covered strawberries, words of affirmation. Just know, if you really want to treat yourself you have to turn away from toxic relationships, put in the work and say goodbye to things that feel good in the moment but cause you lasting pain. You’ve got this, you can do it. Love yourself and let the good vibes flow.

Self Love

Looking for Valentine’s Day outfit ideas? Make sure to read this post!

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