Join A Mom’s Group

If you’re a mom, I urge you to join a mom’s group. It doesn’t have to be formal. Meet up with some girlfriends that have kids similar in age to yours once a week. At a local park, at your home, anywhere!

In January 2019 I joined a pre-school mom’s group that meets every Wednesday morning at our church. I had already been a foster mom for five months and I was craving a mom community. I went by myself with no expectations. To my surprise I knew someone in the group and boy was I happy to see a familiar face. Even better, she was a fellow foster/adoptive mom.

I dropped bubba off in the church nursery to some wonderful ladies who I knew would take great care of him. I was so happy that he would be able to interact with kids his age. He doesn’t attend daycare and I feel it’s important for him to also have peer interaction weekly.

The first meeting I attended was awesome! I felt so happy when I left! I was excited to get to know women currently in the same life stage who could relate to my craziness. I was a stranger to them, they were mostly all strangers to me but we were able to put our arms around each other and pray together over all of the challenges we faced and continue to face as mothers.

It’s only been a few months since my first time joining these ladies but they have become part of my tribe. We stay in contact throughout the week in a Facebook group. We ask for prayers, celebrate our wins together and plan play dates.

If you don’t have friends with kids similar in age, find them. They are out there! Do a search on, contact your local church or start your own group! Being around other mother’s who can relate to you is a breath of fresh air. I’m so thankful for these women and feel blessed to have found this amazing group!

2 thoughts on “Join A Mom’s Group

  1. This post made me so teary! Mom friends are so so important. I’m glad you have found some good ones. Being a Mom is so hard sometimes, and it’s a huge blessing to be able to carry one another’s burdens.

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